New starters and Admissions

School admissions

We know how difficult it can be choosing the right primary school for your child so here at Swimbridge, we want to give you as much information as possible about the school to help you to decide whether we are the right setting for your child.

We offer personal tours of the school where you can have a look around the whole school and visit the reception class and teacher.

Please feel free to download our parents' information pack below that will give you lots of information about what to expect when your child starts with us here at Swimbridge Primary School.

We admit up to 15 children into reception in the September of the academic year in which they will turn five years old. Due to falling birth rates, we do have space for children who live outside of our catchment.

Once we have offered you a place, you and your children will be invited into school for a 'Stay & Play' session during the summer term. During this session, parents will be given a welcome pack and will have the chance to ask the class teacher any questions. The class teacher will also arrange to make a home visit or book a phone consultation, with parents prior to the start of the September term

During the 'Stay & Play' session the children have the opportunity to spend time in their classroom, familiarise themselves with their surroundings, and get to know the adults in the school

Our reception teacher will also contact the children's nurseries to get to know all about the time they spent there.

The start of the September term will be phased for the first week to allow the children to adjust to being at school.

The school follows the Devon County Council Guidelines for Admissions and our Admissions Policy is available for download in the useful links below.

To book a visit or if you would like any more information, please do not hesitate to contact the school office on 01271 830437 or email

Useful Links

Admissions - Faith SIF.pdf
2024 Swimbridge admissions policy.pdf
2025 Swimbridge admissions policy (2).pdf
Parent information pack (4).pdf