
Swimbridge Church of England Primary School’s governing body exists to provide strategic direction and an oversight of the leadership, management and operation of the school. The governors help to drive the School's vision for education and take a strategic view of its activities. They bring experience and expertise from other walks of life into the school. This section informs you who the governors are, how they are appointed and elected, what they do and what their legal duties are.

If you are interested in becoming a governor at our school, please contact the Headteacher on 01271 830437 or via our Clerk to Governors at

If you would like to raise a complaint please also email the Clerk to Governors in the first instance on the address above.

Our current governors

Colin Wadsworth
(Chair - Foundation)

Lead Governor School Improvement
Appointed by Diocese
Term of Office: 07.11.2020 - 06.11.2024

Dan Polak (Head - Ex-Officio)
Appointed 01.09.23 by virtue of office as Headteacher
Term of Office: Open

Penny Lewis
Lead Governor Community
Term of Office: 26.9.2022 - 25.9.2026

Angela Ward

Lead Governor Safeguarding
Term of Office: 25.09.2023 - 24.09.2027

Pollyanna Mears

Lead Governor SEND
Appointed by Diocese
Term of Office: 01.09.2022 - 31.08.2026

Damian Hunter

Lead Governor Standards
Appointed by Diocese
Term of Office: 21.09.2020 - 20.09.2024

Ted Picken

Lead Governor  Finance, Health & Safety and Premises
Appointed by Diocese
Term of Office: 14.11.2022 - 13.11.2026

Heather Dennis

Lead Governor Pupil Premium and Personnel
Term of Office: 14.12.2020 - 13.12.2024

Louise Coates

Lead Governor Curriculum 

Appointed by the Local Authority

Term of Office: 15.5.23 - 14.5.27


(Foundation Ex-Officio)





Governors who have resigned within the last 12 months

Kimberley Turner

Term of Office: 08.11.2021 - 21.07.2023

Important Documents and Lead Governor Terms of Reference

Swimbridge Governor Expenses Policy (Mar-23).pdf
safeguarding-lead-model-tors (1).docx.pdf
pupil-premium-lead-model-tors (2).docx.pdf
gdpr-lead-model-terms-of-reference (1).docx.pdf
Instrument of Government
inclusion-send-lead-model-terms-of-reference (1).docx.pdf
Governors Register of interests 2023.pdf
Swimbridge Premises, Health & Safety and Security Lead Governor - Terms of Reference (Feb-23).pdf
behaviour-and-attendance-lead-governor-model-terms-of-reference (1).docx.pdf
community_staff_and_parental_links_lead_model_ (2).docx.pdf
personnel-governor-model-terms-of-reference.docx (1).pdf
Swimbridge Primary School Board of Governors meeting attendance 2022-23.pdf
curriculum-lead-governor-model-terms-of-reference (4).docx.pdf
Swimbridge Finance Lead Governor - Terms of Reference (Feb-23).pdf
Swimbridge Pay & Performance Committee - Terms of Reference (Jun-23).pdf

Meeting Minutes

Minutes FGB 26.9.22.docx.pdf
Minutes Extraordinary FGB 14.11.22.docx.pdf
Minutes Extraordinary FGB 21.11.22.docx.pdf
Minutes FGB_28.11.22.docx (1).pdf
Minutes FGB_30.1.23.docx.pdf
Minutes FGB 20.03.23.docx.pdf
Minutes FGB 19.04.23.docx.pdf
Minutes FGB 15.5.23.docx.pdf
Minutes FGB 26.6.23.docx.pdf