“Computers themselves, and software yet to be developed, will revolutionize the way we learn.”
- Steve Jobs
Computing at Swimbridge
At Swimbridge we are committed to our vision for every child to receive a world-leading computing education. We firmly believe that setting young people up for success begins with laying the right foundations during primary education. Young people at Swimbridge get a rich experience which will help them develop their own identity and grow into informed, active citizens, with a sense of agency on computing matters.Our curriculum ensures children are taught to be safe and confident explorers of the online world.
Pupils engage in lessons which not only develop their Computing knowledge and skills, but also develop their problem solving and thinking skills. Children are encouraged to ask questions, explore possibilities, find solutions and be creative through a range of theoretical and practical learning opportunities, using a range of devices.
At Swimbridge Primary School, we use the National Curriculum and the National Centre of Computing Excellence (NCCE) Teach Computing Curriculum as a starting point to plan inspiring and engaging Computing lessons. The NCCE Teach Computing Curriculum has been designed by experts in the Computing field and by teachers to ensure that there is clear progression and development of a range of skills and knowledge, which we feel provides our children with the progressive and engaging learning journey that they deserve.
Our Computing Curriculum covers four key areas: Computer Networks and Systems, Programming, Multimedia and Data Handling. Children will also have opportunities to develop and apply their Computing skills in other areas of the curriculum. For example, publishing their writing using Google docs or using the internet to research information on the Ancient Egyptians.
Keeping ourselves safe online is fundamental in our digital world. We ensure that e-safety is taught explicitly as well as being continuously embedded in all areas of school life. We continuously embed the expectations set out in the Education For A Connected World Framework to ensure that pupils have a good knowledge about online safety and what they can do to help them navigate an increasingly digital world.
We hope that by the time our children leave in Year 6, they leave as computer literate, confident and enthused individuals, equipped and eager to grab any opportunities that come their way in life.

National Curriculum for Computing

Progression of Knowledge and skills

Swimbridge Computing Plan

Computing End Points
"A high-quality computing education equips pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world".
-National Curriculum, 2014
Support for Parents and Carers