Religious Education and Worldviews

"The essence of true religious teaching is one should serve and befriend all".

                                                                                      -Mahatma Ghandi

RE at Swimbridge

The principal aim of religious education is to explore what people believe and what difference this makes to how they live, so that pupils can gain the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to handle questions raised by religion and belief, reflecting on their own ideas and ways of living.

At Swimbridge, RE is about exploring different beliefs and how they change the way people live: individually, in our community and in the wider world. We are developing the knowledge, understanding and skills we will need to handle the big questions in life and to reflect on our own life choices.

RE Implementation 

RE contributes to knowledge and skills development as it is comprised of three key elements: 

It is expected that children will not only learn knowledge about the beliefs, lifestyles and practices of four core world religious (as well as considering non-religious world views) but that they will also engage in deep and purposeful thinking and discussion about the impact and consequences of these belief sets.

At Swimbridge all of our learning is underpinned by our school vision and the core values of Wisdom, Hope, Community, Dignity and Love. It is recognised that RE is an excellent context through which to develop these skills as well as making links to the wider ‘British Values’ curriculum goals.

RE Overview.pdf

RE Curriculum Overview

Re curriculum overview of unit links.pdf

RE Pathways

DEVON-AND-TORBAY-Agreed-Syllabus-2024-2029 (2).pdf

RE Syllabus


RE End Points

Gallery of RE Learning

The Easter experience based at St James’ church has been enjoyed by all of the Swimbridge classes, with the Adventurers and Explorers visiting the church this week. The ‘Stations of the cross’ mark the Easter story throughout the church and the children were able to interact with each station, either leaving a message of hope or taking a seed, representing new life. Thank you to Reverend Cathy and her volunteer team for hosting us.

Class trip to Exeter Mosque

KS2 Hindu Visitor Workshop