School Newsfeed
17 January
This week, during family group time we explored the global goal of ‘Quality of Education’. The children explored the similarities and differences between how children around the world are educated. We listed ways in which we are grateful for the access to education and opportunities it brings in this country.
Fire Safety Workshop
We arranged for Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue to come into school to talk about fire safety. Their Fire Safety Officer Wendy Gosling gave a whole school assembly and then carried out two workshops with Key Stage one and Key Stage two, looking at how to identify fire hazards, how to raise the alarm and how to stay safe in the event of a fire.
The children were fully engaged and took away lots of life learning; with supportive resources to take home.
10 January
Welcome back to the Spring Term. We hope you and your families had a peaceful and restful Christmas break. It’s been a bit of a chilly start but luckily we seem to have dodged the worst of any severe weather here in Swimbridge.
Spring term trips
The staff are busy preparing some exciting trips this term and details will be sent out shortly. The Discoverers will be going to Exmoor Zoo and the Inventors will be going to Rosemoor. We are also starting work on the summer residentials. We are planning a trip to Bristol for the Inventors and a stay at the Manor and Ashbury Resorts for the Explorers. And once again, we have booked surfing for the Inventors in the summer term. All of these activities take learning beyond the classroom and provide the children with enrichment and a lifetime of memories.
20 December
We finally are here, it’s the Christmas Holidays! Just 5 more sleeps to go! This term has been vibrant and busy with lots of learning opportunities and golden moments for your child/children to sparkle and shine. Just this week, in school, was an example of this.
The Adventurers and Discoverers class put on a fantastic Christmas nativity. We hope you enjoyed the brilliant singing and Christmas message which helps us all stop and remember the real reason for the season. A big congratulations to all who took part; for some it was their first time ever performing on a stage. Thank you to Mrs Dorrell, Mrs Symons and the staff team who helped the children rehearse. Also, to the parents for supporting the show with lovely nativity costumes.
13 December
School Christmas Fayre
A big thank you to the Swimbridge PTFA who put on a fantastic event on Sunday in the Jubilee Hall. Despite Storm Darragh making an appearance on Saturday; power was back on in the village and the event was able to go ahead. Thank you to the PTFA, Staff and Parents that supported the event and the brilliant choir who made everyone feel the spirit of Christmas. Around £350 was raised by the PTFA to help support school trips and resources.
6 December
Christmas Family Lunch
Thank you to everyone who came to our Family Christmas lunch on Thursday. We hope you all enjoyed the meal. Many thanks to Tia, our Kitchen Manager, for the planning and delivery of almost 150 two-course meals! It was so lovely to meet up at a community event and start the Christmas season together. Thank you to all the staff that supported the event.
29 November
Choir performance
Last Friday evening, the choir performed in Exeter Cathedral. Swimbridge pupils joined a larger choir across the TEAM schools to perform at the ‘Teacher’s Rock’ event. Mrs Brayley, Swimbridge School’s music lead, organised the event with Debbie Kent who leads the Devon Education Hub for Music. The children were fantastic and performed a range of songs. Mrs Brayley wanted to thank the children for all of their hard work leading up to the event and Parents for supporting the school by taking the children to Exeter, some children, after a busy day at Kents Caverns. What an amazing opportunity for the children to showcase their voices at such a venue. If you would like your child to join choir on a Wednesday afternoon, after school, please sign them up at the school office.
22 November
School readiness
Just a reminder that the school gate closes at 8.50am and it is important children are settled and ready in class to start their learning by this time. A late mark will be issued to anyone arriving after this time. Also, it is essential that all children have water bottles and coats in school everyday. Please can I remind you that nail varnish, jewellery (only stud earrings) and make up are not part of the school uniform policy. If children have hair longer than shoulder length it should be worn up.
15 November
Remembrance day
On Monday, Remembrance Day, the School Council laid a poppy wreath at the war memorial in the village. The children were extremely respectful as we showed our respects to those residents who have lost their lives in conflict. Lucy and Ella read a poem and lead a prayer during our short service of remembrance. A minute silence was held in school to mark this event.
Recycle Devon visit
On Tuesday, the Discovers and Adventurers received a visit from ‘Pirate Pat’ who taught us about all the different ways to stop plastic from entering our oceans. She also showed us how to reduce, reuse and recycle to make our world a better place to live. The Explorers took part in a recycle materials challenge, learning about the benefits of recycling certain products. The Inventos children focussed on the use of batteries and how to dispose of them carefully and how alternative electric sources can be generated. Thank you to all of the children for taking part with such enthusiasm and for displaying our school values.
8 November
It’s been lovely to welcome the children back after half term. I hope you all had a good break. It’s been so nice to see the children settle back in so well, ready for their learning every day.
Citizenship Awards
Next week we are launching our brand new Citizenship Awards. A separate letter is being sent to all parents and you should have received an invitation to join your child’s year group’s special citizenship group on Class Dojo.
We really hope you enjoy helping and supporting your children to achieve their awards which will boost self esteem and help them develop important life skills.
25 October
This has been a busy and vibrant week at Swimbridge with lots of enrichment opportunities beyond the class curriculum for the children to learn from and enjoy.
Harvest Festival
Thank you to all of the parents who came along to our Harvest Festival on Thursday morning. It was a great success - the children sang beautifully and all the staff were extremely proud of the way they performed and conducted themselves. A shout out to the year 6 children who helped set up the church and lead the event. Once again thank you all for your support. We have raised £161.21 (and 7 cents!) for our school charity Amigos which is much appreciated and will make a big difference.
18 October
Today was French day at school and all the classes took part in learning French.
The Inventors were taught the body parts and then used this to describe monsters to a partner. The Explorers learnt about greetings, introducing themselves and asking each other how they are. The Discoverers practised counting to 10 in French and learnt the colours. They also joined in with singing a French song, Petit Escargot. The Adventurers are learning to say hello and goodbye and will be learning some French songs throughout the year.
It was great to have lots of children showing an open mind and curiosity to learning a new language as they asked how to say things in French. We were also lucky enough to have a child sing a French song to the class in the Inventors!
11 October
What a start to the week! The children all embraced the re-launch of times tables rock stars and enjoyed maths battles and times tables challenges throughout the day. Mrs Dorrell was replaced by Rocky McRockface who led the school with a rock star assembly! Times tables are a vital area of maths and completing the challenges each week will give the children key skills to recall number facts quicker and aid all areas of their maths learning. Crucially, this will help prepare the Year 4’s for the times tables government check in the Summer term. The Teacher’s have many fun battles planned over the year ahead so please encourage your child to complete their home learning task each week.
School Ready
Just a reminder that the children need to be in school by 8.45am to settle well into the school day. It is really important that each child brings into school a water bottle and warm, waterproof coat with a hood as we continue to take the children out for fresh air even if the weather is wet.
4 October
Don’t forget that this Monday 7 October we are holding a ‘Times Tables Rock Stars’ day. We are inviting the children to come in dressed up in their best rock outfits to celebrate the re-launch of TTRS in our school.
Times Tables rockstars is an award-winning maths learning platform where children can practise their times tables like a rock star!
Suitable for all learners aged 6 years and up the app uses question-based games that automatically adapt to each child’s unique learning needs, helping them to recall their times tables in record speed. Fluency in using time tables in maths is key knowledge needed across the maths curriculum. The day will be filled with times tables challenges and rock star battles!
27 September
Swimbridge school invited three authors into each class to share their experiences of being an author as part of the Appledore Book Festival.
The children each are being given a free signed copy of the author’s latest release, some are yet to arrive, and will be with us shortly. Each author gave a talk and workshop about their experiences and their writing process. The children were inspired by the author visits and the authors were impressed by the children’s behaviour and questions during their visit to the school.
Encouraging a love of reading is one the most important aspects of our teaching here at Swimbridge as reading provides the gateway to successful learning. We were really pleased to see the children so engaged in their sessions with their authors, it really was a joy to see.
20 September
Dear Parents,
What a lovely, sunny week! It’s so lovely seeing the children being able to enjoy some warm weather at this time of the year. They even sat outside today to eat their fish and chips at lunchtime. It’s served in a paper bag so it feels just like a visit to the local chip shop, complete with a squeeze of ketchup on the side of course!
School Leaders
This week, the pupils explored the school value of community and the British value of democracy. The school has voted for their new School Councillors. Well done to all the children who nominated themselves - sharing well written and presented speeches.
This week, the children also voted for their Family Group leaders. Family Groups are a chance for children across the school to meet together and for siblings to share their learning.
At Swimbridge, these roles allow the children to take on leadership responsibilities and personally develop key skills.
13 September
Welcome to the Swimbridge family our new reception children Albert, Archie, Evan, Ivy, Savannah, Rupert, Henry, Margo and Daisy. They have all settled in so well and have had a really positive start to their learning journey.
School Uniform
Can we remind parents to make sure your children are wearing the correct uniform including PE kits. Can I especially remind you that no make up should be worn and only stud earrings with no other jewellery.
Could you also ensure your children are school ready by making sure they have their water bottle, coats, reading books and reading records with them every day.
School Council
We will be running elections for the School Council next week. If your child would like to become a member, could you support them to prepare a short piece of writing on why they would like to represent their Year group as a School council member and what they would like to improve about life at Swimbridge school.
6 September
Welcome back!
It was so lovely to welcome everyone back this week - particularly our new reception starters who did their first morning today. We have been really impressed with everyone’s approach to settling in quickly and starting the new year as they mean to go on, living out our school values every day.
New gate times
From next week, we are changing the times for opening the gates in the morning. The gate will now be opened at 8.40am and will close at 8.50am. The school day starts at 8.45 so please ensure your children are in school, on time, every day. Children who arrive late can disrupt learning and also not be ready to learn themselves.