Collective Worship

"I need to worship because without it I lose sense of wonder and gratitude" -John Ortberg

Collective Worship at Swimbridge 

To Inspire, Enable, and Educate -

 'For Life in all its Fullness'

Our Collective Worship centres around our Christian vision To Inspire, Enable and Educate for ‘Life in all its Fullness’ John 10:10 and cohesively combines a wide number of aspects spread throughout the academic year, to ensure the personal development of each child. Our Family Group sessions aim to explore spirituality with the shared understanding that Spirituality is a source of creativity open to us all. It makes us feel alive, by encouraging us to ask questions about our world through a Global Dimensions focus – a thread running through all our lives and beyond.

School Values:

British Values: 

Learning Behaviours: 

Global Action & Charity Focus: 

Local Community:

Collective Worship Overview 2024_25.docx.pdf

Collective Worship Overview

Collective Worship Gallery of Learning

     Easter Service- St James's Church

Christmas Carol Concert- St James's Chuch

Christmas Nativity