Family Groups

"Be the change you wish to see in the world"- Mahatma Ghandi

Family Groups at Swimbridge

As well as working within our classes, we also value the importance of working with others and use our family group system to encourage children to work with one another across different classes.

Family Groups at Swimbridge are a special time in the week for the whole school to come together and share their learning. A Global Goal is often the focus. The Family Groups consist of children from Reception to Year 6 collaborating together alongside their siblings. 

Each Family Group has a pair of Leaders from Year 5 and 6, who represent the group as role models and leaders. Children earn family group points in school to add towards their groups total and win a family group trophy in the celebration assembly at the end of the week. Local landmarks and geography are celebrated in the Family Group names voted for by the children. 

Our Family Group Leaders 2024-25

family group leaders